Fish shell like syntax highlighting for Zsh. Zsh syntax highlighting enables highlighting of commands whilst they are typed at a zsh prompt into an interactive terminal. This will help you in . It enables highlighting of commands whilst they are typed at a zsh prompt into an interactive terminal. Nobody in their right mind would code without syntax highlighting , so why have it any different in your shell? To activate the syntax highlighting, add the following at the end of your.
Both zsh-completions and zsh - syntax - highlighting can be installed with brew. Explore more communities. Size, Algorithm, I Expires . The video demonstrates performance differences between Fast Syntax Highlighting and Zsh Syntax Highlighting and also a few improvements . For testing, you can also execute the above command in your zsh. Release, Stable version, Version in testing.
Fedora 3 zsh - syntax - highlighting -0. Install zsh - syntax - highlighting on Mac with Brew. What is “ zsh - syntax - highlighting ” Package? Name: zsh - syntax - highlighting. Heard about this on Syntax.

It is a great way to see errors before you hit enter. GitHub is where people build software. It will tell you if your command is valid even before you run it. Termand ZSh configurations to set up a beautiful terminal with custom.