tirsdag den 8. april 2014

Deepin scrot ubuntu

Programmer Sought, the best programmer technical posts sharing site. I find this feature to be quite interesting and useful. You can do the basic editing live after you have taken the.

Deepin scrot ubuntu

It is a easy-to-use and user -friendly screenshot tool. While trying to screenshot the context menu using Deepin. Deepin screenshot is an andvanced tool to make screenshots on Linux desktop environment.

It has a user-friendly UI which eases cropping and saving of. Confira o deepin - screenshot um APP com recursos interessantes para quem costuma tirar screenshot do seu sistema. Deepin - scrot 是一款Linux环境下的截图工具,该工具由深度科技团队根据国人习惯而研发的,拥有类似QQ截图的功能,方便快捷,本文档的截图使用的. PPA, Some packages: gamecheater, deepin - scrot , volumeicon.

Deepin scrot ubuntu

DEEPIN SCROT SCREENSHOT TOOL. And here comes HotShots. What does it look like . View Full Site Now Available! Ubuntu 默认仓库里已经移除了libgoo-canvas-perl.

A nice and straightforward screen capture utility implementing the dynamic loaders of imlib2. Screenshot Capture Utility. Scrot is a command line tool. Linux Deepin 截图工具,deepin screenshot,是专为Linux 用户打造的一款. Visual Studio Code在atom 和vsc 之间.

Ctrl + Alt + A 就可以像QQ 一样截图了. Well, I just found shutter , a nifty tool that can do this. You can install on Debian- based systems with sudo apt-get install shutter. Tim 自带的截图,但是有很多不方便, 必须打开Tim 而且屏幕的焦点必须正在Tim 的情况下才能用,后台 .

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