Meaning, pronunciation, translations and . Transmission definition , the act or process of transmitting. What is transmission (noun)? Video shows what transmission means. The act of transmitting, e. English dictionary definition of transmission. A transmission is a machine in a power transmission system, which provides controlled.

Define neuromyal transmission. This means that the output shaft of a gearbox rotates at a slower rate than the input shaft, and this reduction in speed produces a mechanical advantage, . Synonyms, Antonyms, Derived Terms, Anagrams and senses of transmission. As the name suggests, it transmits power from the crankshaft (engine) to the axle (wheels). Providing the maximum meaning of a word by combining the best sources with us.
Villalba J(1), Navarro . Also find spoken pronunciation of . Your browser does not currently recognize any of the video formats available. Click here to visit our frequently asked questions about HTMLvideo. Free biology and life science resources at your fingertips. Pricing is skewed—special groups pay less than the cost of generation in some areas—and more than 1⁄is lost in transmission and distribution, which helps . Upstream is a transmission from an end user to a server.

For example, a signal being transmitted from a customer to a cable service provider. Person-to-person contact is the most common means of transmission and is generally limited to close contacts. Maternal transmission , - the spread of infection from a dam to her offspring either vertically from female . Transmitting data one bit at a time (one bit after the other on the same wire). All types of communications networks use serial transmission , and the internal . Electronic transmission means any process of communication that does not directly involve the physical transfer of paper and that is suitable for the retention,.
In this place, the following terms or expressions are used with the meaning. Iatrogenic transmission means that it is caused by the (veterinary) operator. Iatrogenic infections are induced (involuntarily) by the operator using unhygienic. Pressure angle is an important measure of the effectiveness with which a force is transmitted between a cam and follower.
A pressure angle of zero degrees . The right which heirs or legatees may have of passing to their successors the inheritance or legacy to which they . Tracing mother-infant transmission of bacteriophages by means of a novel analytical tool for shotgun metagenomic datasets: METAnnotatorX. Demystifying the manual transmission driving technique. Asynchronous transmission is the transmission of data in which each character is a self-contained unit with its own start and stop bits and an uneven interval . Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are infections that are passed from one person to another through sexual contact.
Data transmission interfaces. It is used in all types of cars, vans, coupes, . Leprosy, also called Hansen disease, chronic infectious disease that affects the skin, the peripheral nerves (nerves outside the brain and spinal cord), and the . The transmission means should only be used when they . No means of control was foun since the mode of transmission could not be .
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