onsdag den 20. juli 2016

Awesome zsh

Awesome zsh

This document briefly covers ZSH shell and serves as a quick summary of its many features. Strangers will come up to you in cafés and ask you, that is amazing ! Antigen can load oh-my-zsh themes and plugins and will automatically clone them for you. Configuration framework for Zsh.

Awesome zsh

I think it would be good to somehow separate the plugins a bit, into ones that need oh-my- zsh , and ones that also work as a standalone. I took some time today to make mine a bit more awesome. To set the default shell to ZSH. Nerdfont fonts support font- awesome glyphs, material design icons, . Zsh arrrays are so cool.

If you have a mac you can brew install zsh or for linux sudo apt-get install. Support for all major families of patched font methods. A curated list of awesome command-line frameworks, toolkits, guides and gizmos. View the bookmarks of the “ awesome - zsh -plugins” list by ~awesome.

A delightful community-driven framework for managing your zsh config. You may have seen some cool zsh prompts that show the name of the current Git branch in the prompt, like this one from oh-my-zsh : I wanted . The adoption of FOSS tools for development has meant that a lot of my time is spent at my trusty terminal . Awesome zsh prompts can be yours. Where can I find those . Antigen is a small set of functions that help you easily manage your shell ( zsh ) plugins, called bundles. The concept is pretty much the same as bundles in a . Learn how to install zsh and make the default shell in your system.

Tim Caswell) 开发的一款 Mac . Easily setup awesome zsh environment. OS=Linux SHELL=zsh TERM=xterm-256color VIEWS=133 . ZSH , Antigen and Oh my ZSH. EDIT: This article is outdated. I have moved away from Prezto and now use my own minimal ZSH settings. Also what is awesome -fontconfig ? If you launch new zsh process, zplug load command automatically search this file and run source command.

Awesome zsh

Guidelines tweaked and adapted from awesome-go - thanks! List of zsh plugins usable with zgen and other oh-my-zsh compatible zsh . Express your opinions freely and help others . I promised to write more about it . Cleaned up the plugins. You can achieve this terminal look easily with few quick steps.

With tools like Grunt, Gulp and Bower leveraging the . There is only one disadvantage, the name. We will look at some basic regular .

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