tirsdag den 20. januar 2015

Apple staingate

Apple staingate

The anti-reflective coating appears to be wearing off under a variety of circumstances. I have a retina screen with the typical stains around the edge and in the centre of my display. REMOVING ANTI-GLARE COATING, CHECK WITH APPLE AS YOU MAYBE ENTITLED TO A. Hier findet ihr Infos zum gratis Austausch des . Oily skin is alleged to be the cause of the corrosion, but . I have been having problems from the time I bought the Mac.

Apple staingate

Apple replaced my display for free. I spoke with apple support to MR. DINESH who very politely refused the repair. A link to the problem can be found at staingate. I believe that since APPLE.

Check this out, you may be covered! The staingate issue is obvious but how long is the warranty period for the issue? Having problems seeing that beautiful Retina Display on your Mac laptop because of issues with the anti-reflective coating? De kans is groot dat je het al eerder langs hebt zien komen. A leaked internal document reveals . Einige Macbook Pro und Macbook Zoll sind mit einer fehlerhaften Antireflexbeschichtung ausgestattet, die mit der Zeit fleckig wird.

MacBook Pro con staingate. I asked dude, and he told me use a little bit of water and a microfiber cloth. Staingate , a tükröződésmentesítő réteg sérülése. A group of customers even started a website called staingate.

Wir erinnern uns: es ist . On the Web , the screen issue has earned the nickname staingate , and . The problem was recently discovered . Koning van de klantenservice. I am certain about this). Zbitaszybka jest w stanie ją . LCD nyala terang dan jernih no whitespot staingate.

Har Mahadev Ringtone Stain Gate Zero End Fagun Deet 203d Audio Kul. Retinaディスプレイを使っていて怖いのが、コーティング剥がれ( staingate ) です。 アルコールだけでなく、油分やキーボードが当たることでも .

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